The final version of the card had evolved quite a bit from our initial ideas, mainly due to the fact we have a limited range of type and ink colours.
Photos start from the bottom again:
Looking down at a printed card before its removed from the press
The Arab is a treadle press
Closer up
Ruth placing a card in the press
The type for the inside locked up
Ben printing
Working out the vertical position of the type – left hand one is the final one
First card with centred type
Re-setting the type to centre it
There is ink on this press, honest! Its just a tint.
First attempt to put the type over the star - our intial type
layout, though nice, does not work with our star!
Back to Oxfordshire, type locked up in the chase for the Arab press
Jamie and Timmy having a go
Removing the card – now at the other end of the press
Just after printing
The press in the kitchen
Timmy having a go
Inserting a card – then you wind the handle to bring the
card, on the rollers, onto the linocut
Ben printing on the Vandercook
The linocut (with ink on it)
First proof – oops its a bit too tinted!
Mixed ink - we're still not sure why it went greenish
Mixing a tint – the toffee looking stuff is the tinting ink
Colour trials
Colour option - bright orange!
Type locked up in the Vandercook Press
Ben working on the linocut star
The type for proofing