05 January 2017

Printing 2016

Here are some photos of printing the 2016 cards.
Ben wasn't able to come to Oxford and print Christmas cards this year, so I (Ruth) had to do something by myself. I only had one day and spent quite a bit of time setting the lines in different sizes from some muddled up type, so I was only able to print the outside of the card.
I won't use the Arab press by myself so I tried the small Adana hand operated press. Once I adjusted the impression it printed quite well.
Photos start from the bottom.

The type in the Adana chase removed from the press and ready to be cleaned up

Gold ink!

Printed cards

Timmy had a go at printing

Ruth printing

A printing selfie

The press closed (type meets paper)

Side view of the Adana ready to print – it is very similar to the Arab press, just a lot smaller, it works the same way with the paper moving up to be pressed on the type and rollers collecting ink from the plate at the top


Various typeset lines to decide on sizing

First lines in the setting stick, this first attempt was too small and the caps didn't work